2018-12-28 来源:
1. 卷首语——献辞
New Year’s Address
2. 习近平总书记在民营企业家座谈会上的讲话
General Secretary Mr. Xi's Speech at the Private Entrepreneurs Symposium
CFSMA Notifications
3. 关于举办第二十一届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会的通知
The Notification of CFSMA Held 21th International Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and Product Exhibition
4. 关于报送2018年生产统计报表的通知
The Notification of Submit 2018 CFSMA Statistical Statement of Production
5. 第二十一届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流会学术论文邀请函
The Invitation of Call for Papers about 21th International Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and Product Exhibition
6. 关于“中国摩擦密封材料网”、《摩擦密封材料》杂志、《第二十一届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会特刊》2019年广告征订的通知
The Notification of Booking Advertisement in CFSMA Website, Magazine and Exhibition Book in 21th CFSMA Exhibition and Conference
7. 关于缴纳2019年会费的通知
The Notification of Charge Annual Fee in 2019
Policies and Regulations
8. 摩擦密封材料生产许可证新规正式实施
New Regulations on the Production License of Friction & Sealing Materials Were Formally Implemented
9. 国务院关于进一步压减工业产品生产许可证管理目录和简化审批程序的决定
Decision of the State Council on Further Reducing the Catalogue of Production Licenses for Industrial Products and Simplifying the Examination and Approval Procedures
10. 市场监管总局关于贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步压减工业产品生产许可证管理目录和简化审批程序的决定》有关事项的通知
Notice of the General Administration of Market Supervision on the Implementation of the State Council's Decision on Further Reducing the Administrative Catalogue of Production Licenses for Industrial Products and Simplifying the Examination and Approval Procedures
11. 工业产品生产许可证实施细则通则
General Rules for the Implementation of Production Licenses for Industrial Products
12. 摩擦材料及非金属密封制品产品生产许可证实施细则(二)(摩擦材料产品部分)
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Production License for Friction Materials and Non-metallic Sealing Products (ii) (part of friction materials products)
13. 摩擦材料及非金属密封制品产品生产许可证实施细则(三)(非金属密封制品产品部分)
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Production License for Friction Materials and Non-metallic Sealing Products (iii) (part of non-metallic sealing products)
14. 四部门联合印发《原材料工业质量提升三年行动方案》
Four Departments Jointly Issued the Three-year Action Plan for Improving the Quality of Raw Material Industry.
15. GB 5763-2018《汽车用制动器衬片》
GB 5763-2018 “Brake linings for automobiles”
16. 四项摩擦性能试验设备计量技术规范批准发布
Four Technical Specifications for Measuring Friction Performance Test Equipment were Approved and Issued
Industry Discussing
17. 汽车后市场将迎来十大根本性变化
After the Car Market will Usher in Ten Fundamental Changes
Research Papers
18. 混杂纤维在无石棉摩擦材料中的应用研究
Application of Hybrid Fiber in Asbestos-free Friction Materials
19. 一种NAO型低树脂基盘式摩擦材料的研制及摩擦学性能研究
Development and Tribological Properties of a NAO Low Resin-based Disc Friction Material
Member’s Newsletters
20. 济南圣泉集团股份有限公司上榜“2018中国企业创新能力1000强”
Shengquan Group Was Listed as "Top 1000 Chinese Enterprises with Innovative Capability in 2018".
21. 咸阳非金属矿研究设计院有限公司获全国Ⅰ类检验机构
Xianyang Non-metallic Mineral Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd. Won National I Class Inspection Institutions
22. 金麒麟摘得首届汽车易损件行业三项桂冠
Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd. Won the First Automobile Vulnerable Parts Industry Three Laurels