2018-10-23 来源:
卷首语 习近平论绿色发展
Mr. Xi Discusses Green Development
1. 智能制造发展规划(2016-2020年)-------------------------------秘书处
Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan (2016-2020)
2. 关于帮扶企业家的实施意见-------------------------------------------秘书处
Implementation Advice on Helping Entrepreneurs
3. 摩擦密封材料行业2017-2020年节能减排达标工作计划和实施方案(修订版)----------秘书处
Work Plan and Implementation Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction IN Friction and Sealing Material Industry in 2017-2020 (revised edition)
4. 亚游下载-亚游会app下载V1.7.7/攻略/下载 -apple app store七届四次理事会暨二届一次专家委员会圆满闭幕-----------秘书处
The Seventh and Fourth Board of Governors & The Second Session of the Expert committee of CFSMA Successfully Concluded
5. 智能制造发展与现状-----------------------------------------孙愚 丁磊 李朝晖
Intelligent Manufacturing Development and Status Quo
6. 黄石市摩擦材料原料协会质量管理工作情况报告------------------黄石市摩擦材料原料协会
Huangshi Raw Friction Material Association Report on Quality Management Work
7. 飞龙公司在自动化的道路上阔步前进------------------湖北飞龙摩擦密封材料股份有限公司
Feilong Company Stride Forward on the Road of Automation
8. 中国汽车产业新特征与新变化----------------------------------------------------------------------徐长明
New Features and Changes in China's Automobile Industry
9. GB/T 17469-2012 汽车制动器衬片摩擦性能评价 小样台架试验方法
GB/T 17469-2012 Performance Evaluation of Automobile Brake Linings Test Method for Sample Dymo
10. 工业制动器衬垫耐磨性研究-------------------------------------------------------------------------涂苏波
Study on Wear Resistance of Industrial Brake Liner
11. 刹车片伤盘原因浅析
Analysis on the Cause of Brake Disc Injury
12. 盘式制动器制动噪声分析--------------------------------------------------------------------钟颖强 杨晋
Analysis of Braking Noise of Disc Brake
13. 混杂纤维增强摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能研究-------------------王振玉 王春利 刘景平 王利宁
Friction and Wear Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Friction Materials
14. CPR/NR和高性能填料对复合摩擦材料力学性能的影响-------------龚乾江 徐祥 杨明 张世伟 肖瑞
Impact of CPR/NR and High Performance Filler on Tribological Properties of Composites Friction Material
15. 缠绕式垫片的制造质量问题和失效案例分析-------------------------------------孔建 何松 詹玲
Quality Problems and Failure Cases Analysis of Spiral Wound Gaskets
16. 关于发动机缸垫密封性分析的研究-----------------------------------------------王玲芳 徐政 陈明
Study on Sealing Performance Analysis of Engine Cylinder Gasket
17. 高温工况下的密封材料选择-----------------------------------------------------------------郭权 丁明威
Selection of Sealing Materials Used in Elevated Temperature Situation
18. 高性能密封垫片的开发及在汽车动力总成上的应用-------------朱熠 王泽庆 滕腾 吴世明
Development of High-performance Gasket and its Application in Automotive Powertrain