1. 2014年新年献词 2014New Year’s
2. 澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司2013年工作总结及2014年工作计划CFSMA 2013 Working Reports & 2014
Working Plans
3. 澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司2013年重大新闻
CFSMA 2013 Breaking News
4. 澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司赴欧洲参展考察团顺利归营
CFSMA Organized a Delegation to Went to Europe to Exhibit
5. 澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司赴美考察团圆满归来
CFSMA Organized a Delegation to Went to America
6. 澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司六届六次理事会在温州召开
CFSMA Held Six of the Six Times Council in Wenzhou
7. 关于2014年优惠价赴美参加SAE年会展的通知
The Notification of 2104 CFSMA Organized a Delegation to go to
America to Exhibit Has Discount
8. 关于交纳2014年会费的通知
The Notification of Charge Annual Fee in 2014
The Notification of Booking Advertisement in CFSMA Website,
Magazine and Special Edition in 16th CFSMA Exhibition and Conference
10. 关于举办第十六届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会的通知
The Notification of CFSMA held 16th International
Friction and Sealing Material echnology Exchange and Product Exhibition
11. 第六届全国摩擦密封材料行业摄影大赛征稿启事
The Notices Inviting Contributions of the 6th National Photography Contest in Friction and Sealing Material Industry
12.澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司办公地址及联系方式变更通知
The Notification of Change CFSMA Contact Information
The Notice Inviting Contributions of a Logo in International
Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and Product Exhibition
14 征集“第十六届(广州)国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会”学术论文邀请函
The Invitation of Call for Papers about 16th International Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and Product
澳门贵宾会-线上APP下载-apple app store排行榜-澳门贵宾会有限公司
Industry News
SQ Group Awarded the Key High and New-tech Enterprise of
National Torch Plan Again
Zhejiang Cathay Packing &Sealing Co., Ltd. Awarded to Set Up
the National Postdoctoral Workstation and the Academic Experts Group of Wuhan
University of Technology Cooperation with Zhejiang Cathay Packing &Sealing
Co., Ltd., Academic Experts Group Workstation Had Launched
17. 金麒麟公司自主研发的五项创新成果顺利通过省级鉴定验收
Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd Independent Research and Develop
the Five Innovation passed the Provincial Appraisal Acceptance
Zhuhai Glory Friction Material Co., Ltd. New Industrial Zone
Completed and Put into Operation
Papers about Friction and Sealing Material
19. 国外环境负荷物质规制状况
The Regulation Situation of Environment Load Material in
20. 构建我国摩擦材料研发生产流程的标准体系
Building a Standard System of Research and Develop Production
Process in Friction Material
21. 解读FMVSS 121的台架试验方法
Interpretation Branch Experiment Method of FMVSS121
Raw Material and Formulation Design of Non-asbestos Friction
23. 关于混合料质量控制方法的探讨
Discussed and Screening the Method to Control Mixture Quality