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2018-07-26    来源:

Technical Presentations (PPT) and Papers about Friction Material
1.  中国汽车工业发展现状与预测-------------------------------------------------   李伟利
The Development Status and Forecast in Chinese Automobile Industry
2.  重卡鼓式片先进工艺及装备-----------------------------------------------------  张仁义
Technology and Equipment for Heavy Truck Brake Lining
3.  新型酚醛树脂在摩擦材料中的应用--------------------------------李枝芳 刘卫 宋庆朋
The Application about New-type Phenolic Resin in Friction Material
4.  制动器台试结果可比性的提高及试验数据计算处理分析----------------   张德林
Improvement Comparability of Brake Dynamometer Result and Processing Analysis Test Data
5.  烧结温度对风电用铜基摩擦材料的摩擦学性能影响----------------  杨鹤清 毕勇强 罗静 聂鑫磊 刘莹
The Influence on Sintering Temperature for Friction Performance in copper Baseon of Friction Material in Wind Power Use
6.  无机高温粘结剂对地铁制动材料摩擦磨损性能的影响-------------- 王秀飞 尹彩流
The Influence of Inorganic High-Temperature Binder on Braking Friction Wear Performance in Subway
7.  陶刹车盘——刹车材料的新时代---------------------------------------------- 张西岩
Carbon-ceramic Brake Pad-New Times in Brake Material
8.  聚四氟乙烯与刹车片--------------------------------------------------------  胡松林  胡玉
Polytetrafluoroethylene and Brake Pads
9.  熔盐法制备K0.8Mg0.4Ti1.6O4片晶-------------------------  姚文俊 邱健亭 王昌松
Prepared K0.8Mg0.4Ti1.6O4 Lamella by Molten Salt Method
10.   水合硅酸钙 964用于刹车片的物理和摩擦性能------------------- Mr. Davide Ribotta
Physical and tribological behaviours in brake pads of SICACELL®964
11.   中国铁路用摩擦材料-------------------------------------------------------------- 王京波
Friction Materials for  the Chinese Railways
12.   摩擦材料摩擦性能试验方法对比分析--------------------------------- 雷建斌  侯立兵
Comparison and Analysis of Test Methods for Friction Performance of Friction Material
13.   配方中使用原材料稳定性要求-------- --------------------------------------------- 王春龙
The Stability Requirement of Raw Material in Formula
14.   新型高弹石墨在摩擦材料中的应用-------------------------------------------- 臧文平
The Application of New–type High-elastic Graphite in Friction Material
15.   金属硫化物纯度的重要性及其替代材料------------------------------ Mr. Roland Prudic
Importance of the Purity of Metal Sulfide and Their Replacement
16.   摩擦材料和质量控制------------------------------------------ Dr. Marvin协会顾问(美国)
Friction Materials and Quality Control
17.   塔乌利特在制动产品中的应用---------------------------------------- Ms.Victoria Khvan
TAURIT Use in Friction Material
18.   鼓式制动片浸胶防锈工艺分析与改善----------------------------------------- 桂克福
Analysis and Improvement Rubber Antirust Process in Brake Lining
19.   客车刹车片需求解析-------------------------------------------------------- 安忠文 周怀良
Requirement Analysis of Brake Pads in Passenger Car
20.   超静陶瓷型盘式刹车片的试验研究------------------------------------ 徐仁泉 龙德武
Experimental Research about Super Quiescent Type of Ceramic Disc Brake Pads
21.   制动衬片摩擦性能测试设备试验结果比对----------------------------------- 丰玉仁
Comparison of Experimental Result of Brake Lining in Friction Performance Test Equipment
22.   摩擦材料标准试验机选型探讨-------------------------- 王铁山 刘大欣 王利宁 韩君
   Selection of standard test machine for friction
23.   特种有机纤维在盘式刹车片中的运用------------------------ 徐仁泉 周惠昌 徐丽鸣
   The Use of Special Organic Fibres in Brake Pad
24.   摩擦材料用有机改性酚醛树脂的摩擦行为---------------------------------- 许波 周磊
Tribological Behavior of Phenolic Resin Composites Modified Using Tetraethyl Orthosilicate
25.   NAO无石棉盘式刹车片的试验研究----------------------------- 申坤瑞 孙金鹏 赵荣
   Researching and Testing in NAO Brake Pad
26.   一种新式等比压力机的应用------------------------------------------------ 来 源 朱新伟
The Application of A New Type of Geometric Press
27.   抗静电芳纶浆粕在盘式制动片中的应用初探--------------- 申坤瑞 孙金朋 赵荣 尤秀兰 尤松
Antistatic Aramid Pulp in the Application of Disc Brake
Technical Presentations (PPT) and Papers about Sealing Material
28.   PAN基碳纤维在密封材料中的应用--------------------------------------------  吴益民
The Application of PAN-based Carbon Fibre  in Sealing Material
29.   膨体聚四氟乙烯的密封行为研究--------------------  ------  谢苏江 张雨果 项文武
Sealing Behaviors Research about e-PTFE Polytef
30.   无石棉垫片密封材料的设计、制造及表征------------------------------------  谢苏江
The Design, Manufacture and Characterization of Non-asbestos Gasket in Sealing Material
31.   浅谈气缸垫片发展趋势-------------------------------------------------------------- 周敏
Analysis the Cylinder Head Gasket Development Trends
32.   具有悠久传统,提供高品质产品和服务------------------------------------- Hühoco集团
Long Tradition, Provides High Quality Products and Services
33.   无组织排放控制的阀门密封性能------------------ 耿艳春  苏东阳  陈颖  吴益民
The Valve Seal Performance of Inorganization Emission Control
34.   碳纤维的性能及其应用----------------------------------- Boike Kevin(美国 Hitco 公司)
The Performance and Application of Carbon Fiber
35.   国产纤维类密封垫板材料的现状与发展对策----------------------------------- 姜守松
The Current Situation and Development Strategies about Types of Domestic Fiber in Sealing Plate Materials
36.   排气歧管垫片密封性有限元分析----------------------------------------- 魏先潘 施中堂
Finite Element Analysis about Exhaust Manifold Gasket Sealing
37.   硫化条件对抄取法无石棉乳胶密封板性能影响研究------------- 杨建忠 夏长刚 黄华勇 文刚
Influence Study about Curing Condition impact to the performance of Beater Addition Non-asbestos Gasket Materials
38.   非金属复合型内燃机气缸盖垫片检测技术探究-------------------朱绵鹏 张振 杜铭 石志刚
To study the standard of the non-metallic composites gaskets of cylinder heads in the internal-combustion engine
39.   威斯尼斯人官网登录welcome排名-apple app store下载排行榜-威斯尼斯人官网登录welcome有限公司-威斯尼斯人官网登录welcome菠菜种植澳门科技有限公司 投融资工作介绍 -------------------------------------- 秘书处
Investment and Financing Job Introduction in CFSMA