中国摩擦密封材料网 资料查询


2018-07-26    来源:



0.       新年致辞------------------------------------------------皇冠365app下载_皇冠365下载V1.4.6 -apple app store---------------------秘书处

2017 Years Address  



Policy Guide

1.         工业和信息化部印发《关于完善制造业创新体系,推进制造业创新中心建设的指导意见》-----------------------------------------------------工业和信息化部

Issued by the Ministry of Industry  and Information Technology "About Perfect Manufacturing Industry Innovation  System, Promote the Innovation in Manufacturing Center Construction  Guidance

2.         我国制造业转型升级需完成六个转变------------------------------国家信息中心网经济预测部

Transformation and Upgrading of  Manufacturing Complete Six Transformation in China  

3.         “中国制造”转型升级步入关键十年------------------------------国家信息中心网经济预测部

"Made in China" Transformation and  Upgrading into the Key for Ten Years                      



Working Reports and Exhibition  Information

4.         皇冠365app下载_皇冠365下载V1.4.6 -apple app store七届一次会员代表大会顺利闭幕------------------------------秘书处

CFSMA Seven Time First Membership Representive  Conference Conclude Smoothly

5.         摩擦密封材料工业“十三五”发展规划---------------------------------------------------秘书处

13th Five Year Plan in Friction & Sealing Material  

6.         皇冠365app下载_皇冠365下载V1.4.6 -apple app store2016年工作总结及2017年工作计划----------------------------秘书处

CFSMA 2016 Working Reports & 2017  Working Plans

7.         皇冠365app下载_皇冠365下载V1.4.6 -apple app store2016年重大新闻--------------------------------------------------------秘书处

The News of Important Events in CFSMA  in 2016

8.         关于举办第十九届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会的通知------------------秘书处

The Notification of CFSMA held 19th  International Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and Product  Exhibition

9.         关于交纳2017年会费的通知------------------------------------------------------------------------秘书处

The Notification of Charge Annual Fee  in 2017

10.     关于“中国摩擦密封材料网”、《摩擦密封材料》杂志、《第十九届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会特刊》2017年广告征订通知-----秘书处

The Notification of Booking  Advertisement in CFSMA Website, Magazine and Exhibition Book in 19th CFSMA  Exhibition and Conference

11.     征集“第十九届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会”学术论文邀请函------秘书处

The Invitation of Call for Papers  about 19th International Friction and Sealing Material Technology Exchange and  Product Exhibition

12.     关于报送2016年生产统计报表的通知-----------------------------------------------------------秘书处

The Notification of Submit 2016 CFSMA  Statistical Statement of Production



Papers about Friction and Sealing  Material

13.     碱金属钛酸盐摩擦材料Ⅱ—钛酸钠柱晶------------------------------------黄继芬 岳双霞 李韦韦

Alkali Metal Titanate Friction  Material II- Sodium Titanate Column Crystal

14.     硫化锑质量分数对汽车摩擦材料性能的影响------------------------刘伯威 杨阳 刘咏 刘申飞

Effect of Antimony Sulfide Content on  Properties of Automotive Friction Material

15.     孔隙率对树脂基摩擦材料性能的影响-------------------------------朱文婷 王晓芳 姜娟 付业伟

Effect of Porosity Percentage on  Friction and Wear Performance of Resin-based Friction  Materials

16.     摩擦材料研发过程中摩擦对偶对摩擦材料性能测试结果的影响分析-------------------吴国军

The Influence of Friction Antithesis  Research and Development in the Process of Friction Materials on Friction  Material Performance Test Result

17.     陶瓷摩擦材料在摩托车传动和制动系统中的应用------------------------------------------胡桂香

Ceramic Friction Material Application  in Motorcycle Driving and Braking System  

18.     T形气缸盖罩垫密封性能的有限元分析-----------------丘佛球 章争荣 吴克胜 何洪 陈奕沁

Finite Element Analysis of Sealing  Performance of T Profile Cylinder Head Cover Gasket  

19.     湿式制动器的几种密封方案的分析研究---------------------刘建红 王文虎 闫志旭 张扬如意

Scheme Analysis of Several Sealing  for Wet Brake

20.     填料静密封质量状况分析------------------------------------------------------------------------------喻志强

Filler Static Sealing Quality  Analysis

21.     液压油对密封件的影响及其使用方法-------------------------------------------------------中国密封网

The Influence and Methods of  Application of Hydraulic Oil on the Seals

22.     轴向密封的密封特点以及影响密封选择的因素------------------------------------------真空技术网

The Sealing Characteristics and the  Influencing Factors of Seal Selection of the Axial Seal  

23.     国内的密封胶跟国外的密封胶相比有什么优势------------------------------------------中国密封网

Compared with Foreign Sealant, What  Advantages Are Domestic Sealant Have?

24.     汽车摩擦材料测试设备的选型研究---------------------------------------------刘大欣 王利宁 韩君

Research on Standard of Test Machine  for Vehicle Friction Material

25.     汽车摩擦材料惯性缩比试验装置与试验-----------------------------------------------马继杰 赵金祥 刘笑羽 陶敏中 龙江洪

Research on Subscale Inertia Test  Equipment and Test Procedure of Vehicle Friction  Materials

26.     汽车零部件常压快速检漏系统的设计----------------------------------------------------------------林晶

The Design of the Auto Parts  Atmospheric Rapid Leak Detection System

27.     黄麻纤维长径比对其增强摩擦材料摩擦磨损特性影响研究----------------------杨亚洲 徐杰

Friction Materials and Wear  Characteristics Research on Jute Fiber Length to Diameter Ratio on the  Reinforced

28.     浆粕增强丁腈橡胶复合材料的力学及摩擦学性能---------------------李欣平 刘锦旗 周江沛 石文彪 左雯雯 李锦春

Mechanical and Tribological  Properties of Pulp Reinforced Nitrile Rubber Composites  

29.     腰果酚接枝丁腈橡胶及其改性酚醛树脂基摩擦材料的制备与性能---------冯竞伟 余传柏 覃渭添 李长雅

Preparation and Performance of  Phenolic Resin-Based Friction Material Modified with Carbon-Graft-LNBR  

30.     制动产品刹车盘与刹车鼓的区别在哪儿?------------------------------------------慧聪汽车配件网

What are the Differences between Disc  Brakes and Drum Brakes?



Industry Trends, Transformation and  Upgrading

31.     “山东金麒麟股份有限公司技术中心”顺利通过国家认定企业技术中心2015年度复审------------------------------------------------------山东金麒麟股份有限公司

“Technology Center in Shandong Golden  Phoenix Co., Ltd." through Enterprise Technology Centers Recognized by the  National 2015 Annual Review

32.     金麒麟赴辽宁省之“辽原行动”成果丰硕-----------------------------山东金麒麟股份有限公司

Shandong Golden Phoenix Co., Ltd.  Went to Liaoning Province Has More  Achievement

33.     浙江国泰密封材料股份有限公司博士后研究课题“蛭石基耐高温密封材料的制备及其密封性能研究”通过中期考核--浙江国泰密封材料股份有限公司

Zhejiang Cathay Packing & Sealing  Co., Ltd. Postdoctoral Research Subject of “Vermiculite Groundmass the  Preparation of High Temperature Resistant Seal Material and Seal Performance”  through the Mid-term Examination

34.     浙江国泰密封材料股份有限公司承担的“高导热柔性石墨膜的研究开发”顺利通过验收----------------------------------------------------------------国泰网站

The Project of “High Thermal  Conductivity to the Research and Development of Flexible Graphite Film” of  Zhejiang Cathay Packing & Sealing Co., Ltd. Passed the  Acceptance

35.     浙江国泰密封等萧山30家企业入选2016年“浙江制造”品牌重点培育企业---------------------------------------------------------------------------------国泰网站

Xiaoshan 30 enterprises, including  Zhejiang Cathay Packing & Sealing Co., Ltd. were selected “Made in  Zhejiang-2016 Cultivate Enterprise Brand”

36.     中央媒体走进圣泉集团,集中采访报道转型升级先进经验-----------------------------圣泉集团

The Central Media Went into the SQ  Group to Focus Interview and Reports on Advanced Experience of the  Transformation and Upgrading

37.     信义集团公司获市级工业转型升级专项资金扶持----------------------------------信义集团公司

Xinyi Group Company Obtained the  Municipal Industrial Transformation and Upgrading of Special Funds to  Support

38.     信义汽配公司刹车盘机器人自动喷涂线调试成功-----------------------------------信义集团公司

Xinyi Group Company Disc Brake Robots  Automatic Spray Line Debugging Succeed

39.     信义研制开发出自行车刹车片-------------------------------------------------------------信义集团公司

Xinyi Group Company Developed Bicycle  Brake Pads

40.     金兰集团30周年庆典圆满落幕------------------------------------------------------------------金兰集团

Jinlan Group Held Successful 30th  Anniversary Celebration

41.     江西元邦摩擦材料有限责任公司重点创新基金项目通过科技部验收------赣州市人民政府

Jiangxi Yuanbang Friction Material  Co., Ltd. Acceptance Passed the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation  Fund Project.

42.     协会赴日代表团圆满归来-----------------------------------------------------------------------------秘书处

CFSMA Delegation participated Japan  Successful