2018-07-26 来源:
Policy Guide
1. 三部委关于印发《汽车产业中长期发展规划》的通知------------中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
The Notification of Long-Term Development Plan of the Automobile Industry
Working Reports and Exhibition Information
2. 新浦京澳官网游戏(位于澳门凼仔成立于1999年)-热门电子游戏竞技-huawei app store章程(2017)
CFSMA Constitution
3. 协会第六届理事会工作报告----------------------------------------王耀
CFSMA Working Report about the Sixth Council
4. 关于第六届理事会工作报告和财务报告的决议
Resolutions on the Sixth Council Working Reports and Financial Statement
5. 协会第七届会员代表大会第一次会议会议纪要
The First Meeting Minutes of CFSMA the Seventh Membership Representive Conference
6. 协会七届一次理事会会议纪要
The First Meeting Minutes of the Seventh Council
7. 协会第七届会员代表大会第二次会议会议纪要
The Second Meeting Minutes of CFSMA the Seventh Membership Representive Conference
8. 协会七届二次理事会会议纪要
The Second Meeting Minutes of the Seventh Council
9. 交流的平台 行业的盛会——第十九届国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会侧记----------------------------------------------------协会秘书处
Information about 19th CFSMA International Friction & Sealing Material Exhibition and Colloquium
10. 关于“中国摩擦密封材料网”、《摩擦密封材料》杂志2017年广告征订的通知--------协会秘书处
The Notification of Booking Advertisement in CFSMA Website, Magazine in 2017
Quality Reports
11. 2016年汽车用制动器衬片产品监督抽查质量分析报告--------------------沈小萍
Analysis Report about Brake Linings for Automobiles Supervisory Sampling Inspection of Product Quality in 2016
12. 国家质检总局关于2016年进口汽车用制动器衬片监督抽查情况的通报
AQSIQ Report about the Sampling Inspection of Imported Car by the Brake Lining In 2016
Papers about Friction Material
13. 热压温度梯度对产品性能的影响——————————王娇 王春龙
The influence of Hot Pressing Temperature Gradient on the Product Performance
14. 一种NAO型碳基盘式摩擦材料------------------------陈文雄 章景羲 王栓劳
A Kind of Newly NAO Type Carbon-based Friction Material
15. 热压机的正确选型与应用-----------------------王铁山 付明刚 滕大力
The Correct Selection and Application of the Thermopress
16. 从性能角度看刹车片的研究现状与动态------------王骏杰 马爱斌 王莉莎 江静华
Research Status and Trends of Brake Pads in Terms of Performance
17. 盘式制动器刹车片钢背结构对制动噪声影响研究----------潘公宇 姜中望 王宪锰 李东 孙磊
The Contribution of Back Plate Shape of Brake Pad to Disc Brake System Noise
Papers about Sealing Material
18. 无石棉密封垫片硫化工艺对及压缩回弹性能的影响---------------贾星宇 刘美红 焦健 田硕 冯洪飞
Influence of Vulcanization Process on Compression and Rebound Performance of Non-asbestos Gaskets
19. 橡胶在无石棉密封垫片上的应用--------------杜鹏 王馨宁
The Application of Rubber in the No--asbestos Gaskets
20. 磁性液体密封与机械密封组合密封技术研究----------------朱姗姗 李德才 王智森 杨晓雪
Study on the Technology of Combined Seal of Magnetic Fluid Seal and Mechanical Seal
Translate Papers about Friction and Sealing Material
21. 含有导电性碳粉末可进行静电喷涂的无铜NAO刹车片------------------- Raffaele Gilardi Davide Sarocchi Loredana Bounous
Copper-Free NAO Brake Pad Formulation with Improved Electrostatic Paintability Based on Conductive Carbon Powders
22. 用金属复合材料代替铜和铜合金的刹车片配方的摩擦和磨损性能----------- Bo Hu Sydney Luk Peter Filip
Friction and Wear Responses with Metallic Composite Materials to Replace Copper and Copper Alloys in Brake Pad Formulations